VIP: Very impressive puppets.

Personal Highlights:

  • Agency Lead / Oversight

  • Concept Creation

  • Consumer Journey

  • Talent Integrations

  • Longterm Programming Plan


LAIKA and Optimist return to San Diego Gaslamp District’s Comic-Con to transform a local abandoned bar to a fully functional stop-motion workshop, LAIKA Live.

Staffed with actual animators, VFX pros, and a puppet hospital, the space engulfed consumers in a behind-the-scenes look at the characters, sets (scaled & life-size), teams and future initiatives of the LAIKA machine.

Performance Indicators (2017 vs. 2018):

  • 8,151 Attended Guests (increase of 926 from the previous year)

  • 153% Increase of Merchandise Sales

  • Activation Lifespan - 10 Days

  • Tour Duration - 20 Minutes (4 hour wait)


NIKE - Joyride


Jordan Brand - Future of Flight